Are Komodo dragons dangerous and venomous? Their intimidating size and the fact that they are the largest lizards on the planet often spark curiosity and fear. But what unique features make them so formidable?
Indeed, Komodo dragons are dangerous and venomous. Understanding that they can kill humans with a single sweep of their tails is crucial. Their prey, including deer, pigs, boars, and wild horses, can also be victims of their swift attacks. This knowledge is essential for anyone venturing into their territory.
To fully understand the nature of this animal, including Komodo venom and its attack style, it’s essential to read this article. Stay tuned to learn more about these fascinating yet dangerous creatures!
The Dangers

When talking about Komodo Island animals, Komodo dragons are probably the most dangerous. Here are the things that make them dangerous!
1. Their Size and Strength
There’s a reason why people call them a giant lizard. This is because most lizards are fairly small, around 17–25 cm (7–10 inches). But, their average size is 3 meters (9 feet 10,11 inches).
Their body weight is also massive. Most Komodo dragons in adulthood weigh an average of 70-90 kg (154-198 pounds). The largest one ever found weighed 166 kg (366 pounds).
With their massive body size and weight, it is not shocking that they’re the strongest predator in lizard species. You definitely cannot win if caught in a fight with them.
2. Their Hunting Strategy
Aside from their strength, their speed will also make you helpless if they hunt you. If you are curious about how fast Komodo dragons are, they can run around 13 miles per hour (20 km per hour). For comparison, average humans can only run 6 miles per hour. (9-10 km per hour).
They’re not only fast, but they’re also agile. Their hunting strategy is sudden attacks and deadly bites. Once you get bitten, it always has a fatal ending. So, make sure you’re not getting hunted by them.
3. Iron Teeths & Strong Jaws
They have iron teeth. And no, it’s not metaphorically. Paleontologists report that their teeth are literally coated with iron. It makes them stronger and tougher, and they can tear up meat easily. Their jaws are also strong. They can chew and swallow their prey at a rapid speed.
The Venoms

After knowing how dangerous Komodo dragons are, you must also know that these lizards are venomous.
1. The Myth of Saliva Full of Bacteria
There is a myth that Komodo dragons’ saliva contains deadly bacteria. However, recent studies have proven this myth to be wrong.
Researchers say these animals have 128 isolates, including 37 aerobic gram-negative rods and 50 aerobic gram-positive bacteria. But, none of them are dangerous enough to kill humans or animals.
2. Discovery of Venom Glands
Even though there are no dangerous bacteria, Komodo dragons have venom glands. There’s both mandibular venom, threading between the mucus lobes of the infralabial gland to terminate between successive teeth.
3. How Their Venom Works
Komodo’s venom can lower their prey’s blood pressure and inhibit blood clotting. This makes them experience severe bleeding, which is often fatal to death.
How Often Komodo Dragon Attack People?

Many people might be curious about what Komodo dragons eat. Usually, they eat wild animals like deer, boars, pigs, and wild horses. Unfortunately, they can also eat humans.
1. Rare But Possible
Even though they can eat humans, the cases are very rare. According to a zookeeper in Komodo National Park, there have been around 24 total attacks on humans since 1974. Five of them have a fatal ending.
2. Why Might They Attack?
There are many reasons why they attack humans. However, the most common ones are their instincts as predators. They will see you as food, especially if they’re hungry. In some cases, they will also attack when feeling fear.
Tips for Staying Safe Around Them

For safety reasons, make sure to follow these tips!
- Stay close to your guide, and don’t stray too far from them.
- Don’t get too near the animals; keep at least 3-5 meters from them.
- Don’t run if you encounter them, because they’re sensitive to abrupt moves.
- Be mindful of your surroundings, so you will know when they’re getting too near.
What to Do If Get Bitten

Here are the first-aid steps that you need to note!
- Press the wound to stop bleeding.
- Wash the wound with clean water and soap.
- Cover the wound with a clean and sterile bandage or cloth.
- Seek medical help quickly

Surprise with Komodo dragon facts above? Here are more about this exotic animal you should learn:
Yes, it’s their instinct as an apex predator.
It is venomous enough to kill. But, you can survive if you treat it fast.
Yes, as long as you come with a guide and don’t come too close to the animals.
Anything comfortable. However, avoid wearing colorful and flashy clothes.
So, are Komodo dragons dangerous and venomous? The answer is definitely yes. It is natural for them because they’re an apex predator. However, you can still safely see them as long as you follow all the tips above.